hysop.simulation module¶
Description of the simulation parameters (time, iteration …)
# Initialize the simulation
s = Simulation(start=0.2, end=1., time_step=0.1)
# do some initialisation stuff with operators,
# print(initial state ...)
# time loop
s.initialize() # --> ready to start
while not s.is_over:
# operators work
# update time step (optional)
# Prepare next step
# end simulation (optional) to prepare io
- class hysop.simulation.Simulation(name=None, start=0.0, end=1.0, nb_iter=None, dt0=None, max_iter=None, t=None, dt=None, times_of_interest=None, mpi_params=None, quiet=False, clamp_t_to_end=True, restart=0, **kwds)[source]¶
Time-Simulation process description (time step, iteration …)
- Parameters:
name (str, optional) – Name of this simulation.
start (real, optional) – Initial and final time for simulation.
end (real, optional) – Initial and final time for simulation.
nb_iter (int, optional) – Number of iterations required.
dt0 (real, optional) – Initial time step.
dt (ScalarParameter, optional) – ScalarParameter that will be used as time step. Cannot be a constant parameter.
t (ScalarParameter, optional) – ScalarParameter that will be used as time. Cannot be a constant parameter.
max_iter (int, optional) – Maximum number of iterations allowed. Defaults to 1e9.
times_of_interest (array-like of float) – List of times ti where the simulation may modify current timestep to get t=ti. Mainly used by HDF_Writers for precise time dependent dumping. tstart < ti <= tend Defaults to empty set.
clamp_t_to_end (bool, optional) – Specify if Simulation adjst dt for last iteration to have t=end
restart (int, optional) – Iteration number to start from.
- time¶
current time (value at the end of the time step)
- Type:
- dt¶
The scalar parameter that may be updated.
- Type:
- t¶
The scalar parameter that represents time.
- Type:
- time_step¶
Value of the dt parameter.
- Type:
all parameters are optional but either dt0 or nb_iter must be set.
If both dt0 and nb_iter are given, dt0 is not used.
current_iteration = -1 means simulation has not started, and self.time = self.start
current_iteration = 0 after a call to initialize, self.time = self.start + self.time_step, i.e. targeted time.
self.current_iteration = k, runs between self.t and self.tkp1. with self.tkp1 == self.time
- advance(dbg=None, plot_freq=10)[source]¶
Proceed to next time.
Advance time and iteration number.
Compute the new timestep
check if simulation is over.
- finalize()[source]¶
Use this function when you need to call an hdf i/o operator after the end of the time-loop.
- property time_step¶
Get current timestep.